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JTI Trains Staff on SCP
Group Photo of participants at the Small Claims Procedure Training at the Judicial Training Institute

The Judicial TrainingInstitute held a two-day training for both Judicial and non-Judicial staff onSmall Claims Procedure (SCP).

More than 57 staff,including Chief Magistrates, Magistrate Grade One, clerical officers andprocess servers, were drawn from areas where SCP was rolled out.

While flagging off thetraining, Court of Appeal's Justice and Chairperson of the SCP ImplementationCommittee, Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire, stressed the need for training inthe Procedure.

He shared that SCParose out of the need to address the needs of the poor, low-income earners andsmall business owners who need quick and affordable access to justice.

Hon. JusticeKiryabwire said participants were key persons in the implementation of SCPbecause of their roles as provided for by the Rules.

He appealed to theparticipants to embrace and promote the usage of Small Claims Procedure.

"I implore you toencourage the use of SCP at your courts because it is one of the most commendedinnovations in taking justice to people and reducing case backlog," hesaid.

Hon. JusticeKiryabwire also commended the SCP Secretariat team for the work well done intraining Judiciary staff and carrying out public sensitization in thedifferent regions of the country.

The Ag. AssistantRegistrar SCP, HW Lillian Bucyana, encouraged the participants to pay keeninterest in the training so that they can train others at their stations. Sheurged them to always file returns so that the successes and challenges of SCPcan be well captured. 

The Deputy RegistrarTraining, HW Moses Gabriel Angualia said the goal of the training was tointroduce the implementers to the Rules that govern SCP as well as equip themwith the necessary skills in case management systems and data management. Hesaid this would enable them to apply the rules properly in their respectivemagisterial areas.

Hon. Justice BonifaceWamala, HW Jackline Kagoya alongside system administrators/statisticians led bySenior Information and Technology Officer, Mr Joseph Sinabulya, facilitated thetraining.

They gave an over viewand background of SCP in Uganda, application of the SCP Rules S.I No.25 of2011, practical aspects of SCP, SCP data management and statistical reporting.

A moot court sessionwas held where participants shared ideas on how the Rules and theirimplementation can be improved for the effective delivery of Justice.

Thereafter,participants were awarded certificates of participation in the exercise.

Posted 17th, September 2020
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